“Třicet let „transformačních filmů“. Co námo devadesátkách vypovídají dnes?”, Kapitál, 22 March 2022, https://kapital-noviny.sk/
Veronika Pehe, “Kino transformacji w Europie środkowo-wschodniej: Bandyci i mizogyni”, Kino, 6/2022, 68-73.
‘Commodifying postsocialist cinema: filmmakers and the privatization of the Polish and Czech film industry after 1989’, Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe. 30, no.1 (2022): 11-26. doi: 10.1080/25739638.2022.2044617.
(With Vítězslav Sommer). ‘Introduction: Historicizing postsocialist privatization at the juncture of the cultural and the economic’, Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe. 30, no.1 (2022): 1-9 doi: 10.1080/25739638.2022.2044618.
“The Entrepreneur in “Transformation Cinema”: Representing the Economic Changes of the 1990s in Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia”, East European Politics & Societies and Cultures 36, no. 2 (2022): 446- 464.. https://doi.org/10.1177/0888325420980155.
“Teaching viewers how to do capitalism,” PoliticalCritique.org, 20 March 2019:
Part of a series of texts on the transformation of Central European film after 1989. Read more by Kaja Puto on Poland and Matej Sotník on Slovakia.
“Filmy transformace. Kapitalisty proti vlastní vůli” [Films of the transformation. Capitalists against their own will], Salon Práva, 4.7.2019,